The first upsets…


During the first three months of life you will have found out some of the upsets that can affect your baby, such as regurgitations and colic. They might continue or in their place some new discomforts may appear. Familiarize yourself with the most common upsets and always seek advice from your pediatrician if in any doubt or if your baby does not get better.

Combating the baby's upsets


The defenses' immaturity and the narrow anatomy of the nostrils can make your baby prone to colds, especially in the colder seasons. These colds are usually caused by viruses (rhinoviruses) and they tend to disappear of their own accord after a few days. Sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, and in some cases a high temperature tend to be the most common symptoms.

You should always have handy the following:

  • Nasal aspirator that cleans the nose using a cannula with a disposable filter.

Some recommendations

  • Try to keep room temperature at 22-23 ºC / 71-73 ºF.
  • Give your baby plenty to drink to keep her hydrated. To keep her skin also hydrated, you can use moisturizing creams and oils.
  • In the case of persistent or excessive high temperature, visit your doctor and avoid using any medicine without your doctor's recommendation.

Sleep disorders

Sleep is fundamental for a baby's physical and mental development because the body releases growth hormone while sleeping and this is when certain mental development and memory consolidation processes take place. It is calculated that up to 30% of infants have problems falling asleep and remaining asleep.

In the first few weeks of life, babies follow their fetal routines: they wake up every 3-4 hours to eat, regardless of whether it is day or night. Little by little, they begin to sleep more at night, with fewer daytime naps. However, not all babies mature at the same pace.

Any solutions? The first thing is to establish good habits. Babies should sleep alone in their crib (instead of in someone's arms), in a calm environment with little light. The right food also plays a role. Various studies have shown that breast milk contains nutrient variations at night, including tryptophan, which helps consolidate the awake-sleep routine of infants. If a baby is already being given infant formula, consult your pediatrician about the possibility of using night formulas. This type of milk reproduces the compositional variations of breast milk at night that help infants fall asleep and sleep through the night. Another option is to try using herbal infusions, such as lime blossom or lemon balm, which have a mild relaxing and calming effect.

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