A new surprise every day

Mental development

From birth until the age of three months, you will enjoy the incredible development you will see in your baby. They quickly learn new gestures and how to communicate with the people who are around them. But bear in mind that each baby has a different pace of progress and that you will have to adapt to it. In case of any doubt concerning the development of your child, seek advice from your paediatrician.

Learning from every moment

During the first month

Babies sleep during most of the day. They only wake up and cry if they are hungry or they feel a discomfort. Speak to your baby and look at her, as this will calm her down. Note that your baby can see your face from a distance of 10 inches. They also react to sounds and may become frightened if they hear a loud noise.

Second month:

The baby begins to enjoy games and gets absorbed in them, and at the same time they develop the ability to recognise people who are beside them. Make a noise and see how they turn their head towards the source of the sound. Place your baby in front of a mirror... and see how she smiles.

Third month:

Your baby has a higher level of awareness and likes to look at what things are around her. They can follow moving objects and people with their gaze. Talk to them and see how they respond by making sounds or by smiling. At 3 months of age they look for sounds with their eyes and begin to establish visual contact.

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